Plate Washer

About this product

The Plate Washer (#9462231200) is an essential component in Toyota's Body/Rear Bumper & Bumper Stay, Body/Cab Mounting & Body Mounting, and Drive-Chassis/Rear Spring & Shock Absorber systems. This auto part plays a crucial role in distributing load, and preventing damage or wear to the surfaces it secures, ensuring smooth operations while the vehicle is in use. Its functionality relies heavily on its condition, therefore, periodic replacement of the Plate Washer (#9462231200) is required. An aged or broken Plate Washer (#9462231200) might compromise the structural integrity of the system leading to potential damage or even failure. Genuine Toyota Plate Washer (#9462231200)s are recommended for compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining the effectiveness of these systems, the Plate Washer (#9462231200) enhances both the efficiency and safety of your Toyota.